It's a shame, really, as some of the newer game types seem kind of intriguing. Capture the Flag games are still much more common than any of the new game types. While Tribes 2 has a lot of flexibility in terms of game styles, there's not enough variety on the actual servers. One of the problems with Tribes 2 isn't anything that Sierra really has any control over. Tribes 2's arsenal of amazing weapons, fantastic environments and human versus human competition makes for an unforgettable experience.

Whether you're using your jet pack to fly the enemy flag back to your base, battling enemies in the close confines of a massive base or raining down mortar fire from a high flying hovercraft, Tribes 2 maintains a level of excitement throughout. But not counting the first Tribes, there's no better online action game around than Tribes 2.

While Tribes 2 does offer a lot of improvements over the original, it doesn't break too much ground either in the area of design or gameplay.

So the servers are a little more stable and the community has grown a bit since we posted our first impressions of the game.