Krishna says his anger may burn him alive and reminds him Mahadev’s words. Mahadev says he is karma phal data and is questioning him. Shani says Mahadev came again to stop him from putting his vakradrishti on Krishna and asks reason. Krishna says this is Mahadev vistaar/exile form which is present in the whole universe but is not seen. Shani asks then how is he in front of him. Mahadev says he is still at the place of punishment. Shani says he came here, that means he escaped from king’s punishment. Shani dev throws his vakradrishti on Krishna, but fails. She tells Mahadev that Shani is putting his vakradrishti on Krishna and since Mahadev’s powers are in himself as he is ardhanareshwar, he should help Krishna. Parvati thinks Kashi king is doing a big sin by trying to punish Mahadev. Mahadev pleads he didn’t, but king orders to behead him. King angrily alleges Mahadev of killing his son. Krishna asks if he thinks he wants to escape from his vakradrishti. Shani says he cannot escape from his vakradrishti. Devi Parvati thinks Mahadev’s powers are with him, that is why he is performing a great task. Radha prays Devi Parvati that Mahadev’s powers are in her, she herself is a symbol of power and should help Mahadev. Shani says he cannot entangle him in his talks, he will put his vakradrishti on him for sure as its his duty and nobody can stop him from doing his duty. Krishna says his one second is Shani’s 100 years he loves him a lot and its like one person gives whole life’s love in years and another gives it in seconds if he thinks he rejected his love even then.

Krishna says in this universe, every atom’s speed is different Shani’s speed is very slow, hence his many years are equal to his one second he snaps his finger and says only a second has passed for him. Krishna asks till when he waited for him. Shani says he made him wait for years without thinking much, he was insulted in Gokul by a woman and didn’t let him meet Krishna, but he didn’t care as he thought he would come to meet him and he never came to meet him or remember he even did a sin by rejecting someone’s love and hence will be punished. Shani says he is alleging Krishna and will put his vakradrishti on him. Krishna says he is alleging Mahadev in anger. Shani dev says he is just doing his duty, Mahadev is adamant and if he wants, he can use his powers and get out of the problem immediately, but he gave his powers to Devi Parvati. Mahadev is chained and taken for punishment and citizens chant to give him death sentence for killing yuvraj. Krishna says Kashi king is punishing Mahadev, so he should stop that. Shani dev says his years of wait came to end and he met Sri Krishna at last.